In most cases, women seek our breast implants for aesthetic reasons, however, others use breast augmentation to reduce the appearance of a chest deformity.
Pectus carinatum, also known as pigeon chest, is one of the most common chest deformities in the world and affects one in 400 women. Many women have chosen to undergo breast augmentation surgery in an effort to reduce the appearance of their bowed chest.
How breast implants can help
Let’s start by stating that breast augmentation will not correct a chest deformity, it will merely disguise the condition.
If the patient has a severe case of pectus carinatum, surgical correction may be required before the augmentation.
Most plastic surgeons will use a high profile implant that will provide the patient with a fuller cleavage, which will help disguise the deformity. It’s also highly recommended that the implant is placed behind the chest muscles for the best results.
What to discuss with your surgeon
If you are considering breast augmentation to hide a chest deformity, there are a few things that you will need to discuss with your surgeon.
- Implant size. Your chest will be measured during your consultation so that your surgeon can help you select an implant size that’s suited to your chest and build.
- Implant shape. Implants can either be round or a teardrop shape. In the case of a chest deformity, round implants are the better choice.
- Implant type. Implants either contain gel, silicone or saline. Most patients will opt for gel or silicone for a more natural look.
- Implant position. Again, patients who want to hide a deformity should rather place the implant under the muscle.
You can find out more about your implant choices on this boob job procedure details page.
Life after surgery
While every step is taken to minimise any risks, it still helps to be aware of any complications and what you can expect after surgery.
It should also be noted that patients with chest deformities are also more prone to certain complications such as displacement.
These are some of the things to be aware of after your surgery.
- Implant rupturing. Flexing, folding and general pressure can all cause an implant to rupture. In most cases, implants can last up to 20 years but rupturing is always possible. When a saline implant ruptures, it will deflate almost immediately while a silicone implant will deflate over time.
- Scarring. Most incisions are made in the crease underneath the breast, which reduces the visibility of the scar. Fortunately, the scar will also fade and lighten over time.
- Additional surgeries. Most women who have undergone breast enhancement surgery will need to have their implants replaced, removed or revised after a number of years.
Since breast augmentation that is being used to reduce the appearance of a chest deformity requires a specific type of skill and experience, it’s important to find a surgeon who has dealt with these types of cases before.