A vast majority of the men around the globe have reported being self conscious about the size of their penis. If that wasn’t the case, there wouldn’t be any companies advertising about crazy pills and magic ointments that can increase the size of your penis within a few days. As you might already know, none of these ointments or pills really work. These are just ruses used by local companies to make a quick buck. Some even get endorsements from major actors and celebrities, but at the end of the day, it’s all about the marketing.
There’s really no way to magically increase the length of your penis. However, while you can’t actually increase the length of the penis, there is a particular procedure by which you can increase the girth of your penis. In fact, it’s one of the most popular procedures throughout Malaysia. The most common penis enlargement procedure involves increasing the girth of a person’s penis. If you are wondering where to get penis enlargement procedure in Malaysia, there are a number of different clinics that offer this procedure. However, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind if you are planning to go for the penis enlargement procedure. Here are some important things that you need to know about getting the penis enlargement procedure.
How Does it Work?
The penis enlargement procedure is relatively simple and relatively noninvasive. When you first visit the doctors for the procedure, they are going to ask you about your medical history. If you have had any medical procedures done in the past, you should let the doctors know. Similarly, if you have a medical condition that you feel must be disclosed, you should let the doctors know that as well. After you have been cleared for the procedure, the doctors are going to schedule you for the procedure.
The penis enlargement procedure mainly increases the girth of an individual’s penis. The doctors are going to inject dermal fillers into your penis to increase its girth. These dermal fillers are injected at specific points across the shaft of the penis and will slowly settle in. Once the procedure has been completed, you will feel a little bit of pain due to the injection.
How to Care for the Fillers
After the fillers have been injected and the procedure is completed, the doctors are going to keep you under observation for the next couple of hours. You will be prohibited from any sexual activity for at least a week until the dermal fillers have had the time to settle in. You will probably experience a bit of pain and discomfort for a few days as the fillers adjust under your skin. The doctors are probably going to call you in for a checkup after a few days to get an update and see how the fillers have settled in. These are just a few things that you should know about getting dermal fillers.